Foolish Expectations Read online

Page 3

  He tossed the white torture devices on the floor and sat down on the couch, lifting both of her feet into his lap. She tensed and pulled away, but he firmed his grip and started massaging, pressing hard into the ball of her foot. He made slow, circular motions with his thumbs and kneaded at the tension in her tired feet.

  A small sigh of pleasure escaped her lips as her body relaxed and she melted under his touch. His hands stilled momentarily, then resumed. That little sweet moan had hit a nerve, and the large bulge in his pants confirmed it. He manipulated her feet, but this woman was screwing with his head…both of them. Because although he’d promised not to touch her in a sexual way, her feet were now resting comfortably on his prominent boner, one she clearly was aware of.

  The tension in the room thickened and her cheeks blushed fiercely. “Okay, you can stop now,” she said softly. He ignored her and kept rubbing. “No, really. Thank you, but my feet feel much better.”


  “No, I…” She blew out a breath. “Well, it’s just that…”

  “Go on,” he said, grinning.

  “Okay, so you obviously want me to say it out loud.” She wouldn’t look at him, and her cheeks glowed more brilliantly with heat. Without a doubt, she didn’t want to openly discuss his raging hard-on. So instead, she looked back at him and blurted out, “Your hands are rough.”

  He laughed. “Chicken.”

  “Fine. Is there anything that doesn’t turn you on?”

  “Yeah,” he said, measuring her carefully with his eyes. “Consolation prizes.”

  Chapter Three

  Bailey giggled. “Still mad about that, huh? Hey, she was attractive in that drunken mean girl kind of way. Probably not the worst you could do.”

  “I know you may not believe this, but I don’t settle. Ever.” He leveled a gaze at her that made her heart skip a beat. “Or take advantage of wounded women.”

  Sure you do. You just don’t know it yet.

  The moment Nash had offered to take her home, she’d had no choice but to change her tune. She didn’t want to admit she had nowhere to go. Her apartment was gone, her things had already been moved out, and even her cell phone was missing in action. She couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel, and even if she could, she didn’t want to explain to Nash why she would need to.

  Oh, hell. Who am I kidding? That wasn’t the only reason she’d changed her mind and she knew it.

  Nash had proven he was a decent guy…even if he was a bit cocky for her taste. Not only had he saved her from Richard—twice—but he’d offered to do the noble thing and take her home rather than push her to come inside.

  After what she’d been through earlier tonight, her opinion of men was at an all-time low. So it was almost comical that she would cross paths with a guy who wore his white knight complex like a badge of honor. It was definitely an attractive quality.

  Up to this point, she’d done well enough keeping her fluctuating hormones hidden under a cloak of sarcasm. But with his overt sexual nature, she wasn’t sure she could keep it up much longer. Maybe it was best not to contemplate what undoubtedly would happen if she gave him a chance to make his big play. No, no, no. If I’m smart, I’ll get the hell out of Dodge before he does just that.

  With very little effort, the man already had her lying on his couch, moaning with pleasure. And she still had her clothes on. If she stayed much longer, she’d be naked and under him and getting a hell of a lot more than a foot rub. She just needed a moment to think.

  She pushed her wavy blonde hair off her shoulders, and with a slight touch, trailed her fingers slowly across her lips, contemplating what to do. It was a nervous habit, but she never realized how sensuous and feminine it could be until she caught him watching her do it. His gaze shot back and forth, as if his eyes couldn’t decide between her mouth and her chest.

  “Stop looking at my breasts.”

  He gave her a sexy little smile. “Would you prefer I touch them?”

  Something low and deep moved through her, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. His womanizing attitude pissed her off. She hadn’t meant to get so upset in the bar, but it wasn’t like the arrogant ass hadn’t deserved it. She guessed that the jabs she’d made at his male ego were what had him so frustrated. “It must break your heart that I’m not falling over myself to tear your clothes off.”

  Judging by the irritation on his face, she’d guessed right. That’s exactly what had him so worked up. He couldn’t understand why a woman—any woman—didn’t want him rammed eight inches inside her. She moved her foot subtly. Or was it nine?

  “Not really. But if you decide you want to do more than play footsie with my cock, I can have that dress off and my dick inside you in three seconds flat.”

  A pulse of heat throbbed between her legs, and she squeezed them together to relieve the ache. He gave her a sly grin, knowing full well the reaction he had caused. Apparently, sexual banter was foreplay to him.

  “You know, you didn’t like it when that Richard creep made a derogatory comment in front of me.”

  “At that point, you were still a lady who was as pretty as a rose.”

  “And that somehow changed?”

  “Yeah, I forgot roses have thorns.” He lifted a brow. “What’s with you, anyway? You’re not nearly as shocked and offended by the vulgarities as you pretend to be.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sweetheart, I’ve ridden bulls tamer than you. You should just be glad I like feisty women.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I can hardly contain the joy.”

  “Oh, come on,” he groaned. “I thought we’d pulled that stick out of your ass a while ago. Here I was thinking we’d end the night with a bang.”

  Of course he did. Because that’s all men wanted. Damn it. Anger stabbed through her, sharp and hot, and Bailey jumped off the couch, snatched her apparently-stupid shoes from the floor, and headed for the front door. She was an idiot for letting down her guard with him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asked coming up behind her, confusion tainting his voice.

  She whirled on him. “You are! All you men are!”

  He looked around, as if he was expecting to see another person in the room. “What men? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “God, I’m so dumb.” She bounced around on one foot, trying to put her shoe on. “Here I was starting to think you were a nice guy, and you couldn’t help yourself. You just had to prove me wrong.”

  “Want to clue me in on what I did?”

  “Like you don’t know?” She pressed her other shoe hard into his chest. “You men think with your dicks. All because you’re not man enough to be with one woman.”

  Nash narrowed his eyes, but didn’t speak.

  Bailey cocked her head. “What? Low blow?”

  “I’d say it was a shot below the belt. Just wish I knew what I did to deserve it.”

  “Jesus. You aren’t even listening.” Holding one shoe, she limped toward the front door. “Forget it. Go back to the bar and find some other pathetic girl who’ll end your night with a bang.”

  She started to open it, but his hand shoved it closed. “Wait a minute.”

  “I don’t have anything else to say to you.”

  “Good, then you’ll shut up and listen.” She opened her mouth to speak, but he raised his hand to stop her. “You misunderstood me. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. It’s just an expression, one I’ll admit I used carelessly. I’m sorry.”

  “Fine. Apology accepted. Goodbye.” She tried to open the door again, but he put his hand on it.

  “One more thing,” he said, glaring at her. “Where the hell do you get off telling me what I’m man enough for? I’ll have you know, I’ve dated plenty of women exclusively, and I’ve never cheated on a single one. I’ve never claimed to be a saint, but I’m not the devil you’re portraying me as, either. I don’t go to bars to pick up stray women any more than I go there to
pick up stray men. That doesn’t mean I haven’t ever gone home with one.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Women, damn it! I’m talking about women.” Nash took off his cowboy hat, tossed it on the coffee table, and then ran his fingers through his unkempt hair.

  Bailey covered her mouth, but the giggle leaked out, anyway.

  His jaw set and his brows hunched over his eyes. He wasn’t amused. “I don’t get you,” he said, shaking his head. “Hell, I don’t even know why I half-ass like you.”

  She grinned at his frustration. Because, damn it, she half-ass liked him, too. “You said I was…spunky? Wasn’t that the word you used?”

  “Cheerleaders are spunky. I said you were feisty, like a wiry little kitten ready to dig her claws into someone.”

  “You didn’t say that last part earlier.”

  He shrugged. “So I summarized a bit. Sue me.” He grabbed her beer off the nearby bookshelf, downed half of it, and held the bottle out for her to take.

  But she didn’t accept it. She was too distracted by his deep blue eyes to move. Every part of this man was aesthetically pleasing, but his intense eyes were something else. Like when he looked at her, he probed her in intimate places. She was so lost in his gaze she barely noticed her trembling fingers had moved to her lips.

  He set the bottle down and came closer, heightening her awareness of him. “You know, when I first saw those pouty lips of yours, I couldn’t wait to hear your voice. I wondered if it would be as smooth and silky as those long, sexy legs of yours.” He rubbed the back of his hand gently over her cheek.

  Oh, no. Panicking, she quickly lowered her head and sighed. “Nash, we shouldn’t… I mean, it isn’t right.”

  “Probably not. But you’re driving me crazy with your give-‘em-hell attitude and the way you touch your lips when you’re nervous.” He lifted her chin and moved closer to her. “Maybe this is only a temporary solution to a permanent problem, but…” His mouth grazed her jawline until his lips reached her ear. “I want to fuck you.”

  Every muscle in her body clenched tight as she blinked in shock. It wasn’t his crude words. Or his intentions. It was the internal revelation that she wanted him to do just that. He pulled back and waited patiently for her answer, but Bailey couldn’t look at him any longer. The sexy, come hither look he wore had her heart leaping hurdles in her chest. He wanted to fuck her brains out and—my God—she wanted him to. Holy hell. I’m the girl in the horse trailer!

  “Say something,” he pleaded, his rough voice growing huskier, sexier.

  She walked several steps away, thinking, considering, agonizing over the decision. It wasn’t right, she knew that. But she’d held out this long and that hadn’t made her want it any less. Chances were good that she would regret this tomorrow, but for tonight, she wanted to unleash the desire she’d held onto so tightly.

  After another moment of hesitation, she reached up behind her and unzipped the back of her dress. Shivers wracked her body as the cool air washed over her skin. Or maybe it was from the anticipation of his touch.

  He stepped up behind her, pressing his hard chest into her back as his warm breath caressed her neck. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to decipher messages. I made you a promise, one I intend to keep. If you want me to touch you, you’re going to have to say so.”

  She didn’t turn around. “I thought you said you were a lawyer?”

  “I am.”

  “Then you should know better than anyone,” she whispered, trying to keep her voice from trembling. “Never stop at a green light.”

  Even through their clothing, she felt his cock jerk against her ass. Nash pressed his large hands against her back and slowly parted her dress. It fell off her shoulders and down her arms, exposing the white lacy push-up bra and rounded mounds of her breasts. Not pausing for a moment, he lithely unfastened her bra, letting it fall away as his rough fingers glided under her arms and around her ribs. He palmed her, lifting both breasts and weighing them in his cupped hands.

  When his fingertips began to tease her nipples, she closed her eyes and reveled in the new sensations he created. She reached back with her left hand, running her fingers up his neck and into his hair, as he pressed firmly into her from behind. Her other hand searched for stability in the form of his belt loop, and she linked her finger through it to keep from floating away.

  He kissed down her neck, then nibbled his way back up. Goose bumps broke out on every limb as his hand trailed downward, dove under the front of her dress, and then traced back up her bare thigh until he found her. He cupped her, then probed one finger under the edge of her satin panties. Breathlessly, she moved against him, desire consuming her until she became dizzy from the lack of oxygen in her brain.

  But he stopped and pulled away. Confusion and embarrassment barely had time to register before his hands were on her again, his quick fingers peeling her dress down her hips. He dropped it to the floor before hooking onto her panties and stripping her of those, too. She hadn’t even kissed him, yet she stood in front of him, with the lights on, completely nude while he was still fully clothed.

  Oh God.

  But it was too late to be bashful.

  Taking her hand, he led her down the hall to his moonlit bedroom and stared indecently at her naked flesh while pulling off his own shirt and kicking off his boots. He steered her over to the bed and shoved her backward with a gentle playfulness in his eyes and a smile on his face. Then he covered her body and mouth with his.

  The kiss was neither friendly, nor polite. His tongue parted her lips and swept inside, making her tremble beneath him. He ravaged her mouth with the confidence of a highly skilled lover, leaving her breathless as she desperately groped his back for more of him. Then he nibbled her bottom lip before slowly licking and kissing his way down her stomach to a more intimate area.

  She hadn’t expected it and froze.

  Like a tidal wave, a cascade of sensations rushed forward, sweeping her up in a whirlpool of hypnotic swirls. The vortex pulled at her, sucking her in deeper and deeper until she could no longer catch her breath. No doubt she’d drown before she reappeared at the surface. Too much, too fast.

  She hadn’t moved a single muscle, but suddenly found herself pushing at his shoulders, hindering Nash until he stopped. “What’s wrong, baby? Why’d you stop me?”

  “Can we just…move on? You know, get this part over with? I…um, don’t know how much more I can take.”

  He glowered at her. “Jesus. You make it sound like I’m performing a root canal on you.” He stood up fast, so fast she thought he was calling the whole thing off. But instead, he discarded his pants while grumbling under his breath. “You know, if we’re going to have sex, you might actually want to try enjoying it.”

  She could’ve died of embarrassment. Christ, she wanted to. Instead, she lay there staring at the ceiling. The crinkling sound of a foil wrapper assured her he was arming them against diseases, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

  At least one of us came prepared.

  Crawling up her body, he quickly spread her trembling legs with his. He held himself over her, made a few adjustments down below, and roughly burrowed himself into her.

  She gasped.

  The searing heat sobered her, but the intense throbbing depleted her of life-sustaining oxygen. Never in her life had she become sweaty and short of breath in three seconds flat. Until now. But it was too late to do anything about it. They formed a tight bond of warm flesh after one forceful stroke had not only detected her virginity, but plowed right through it.

  She’d convinced herself he wouldn’t notice. That she wouldn’t have to explain anything. But Nash grunted and stilled himself above Bailey with a worried look that probably matched her own. Undoubtedly, both of them realized the impact of a well-equipped man having full-on intercourse with a virgin. Her lesson came in the form of pain and embarrassment, but his came with what looked like heightened pleasure…and apparently anger.

p; Chapter Four

  Sonofabitch. Nash muttered a few more expletives out loud. “Christ. I didn’t know you were a—”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to finish this.” Her eyes glazed with tears.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Not like this.” He started to ease away from her, but she wrapped her legs around his hips to stop him. The clenching of her tight channel around him made him brace himself by digging his fingers into her hips as he groaned with sensitivity. “Jesus. Stay still.”

  “Please, don’t stop.”

  “Goddamnit, I have to. As tight as you are, I’m not going to last long. And this isn’t fair to you. If I had known—”

  “It doesn’t matter now. I’m technically not a virgin anymore. Just finish it. Please, Nash. I want you to.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I…I need you to.”

  The desperation in her voice called to him, but his eyes held hers. “You’ll regret this in the morning.”

  “Then let me worry about that,” she said, shifting once again.

  Fuck. He closed his eyes to keep them from rolling into the back of his head. Holding himself entirely still, he let out a long, slow breath, allowing himself to recover from the overwhelming sensations threatening his control.

  He knew he should back off and tell her to find another guy. But the need to protect her from the Richards of the world was enough to keep him from doing so. And, if he were being honest, the thought of another man’s dick between her legs pissed him the fuck off. “Fine. But if we’re going to do this, then we do it my way. It has to be good for you, too. Either that, or we stop now.”

  Her eyebrow rose. “Okay, what’s your way?”

  Nash grinned, then gently spread her legs wider and slipped his hand in between them. He was still rock hard inside her, but he didn’t dare move. Instead, he massaged her clit, squeezing it gently between his fingers while he listened to her breath hitching with every delicate touch. He’d only meant to heighten her pleasure and reduce the pain his intrusion had caused, but he found himself breathing heavier and holding himself painfully back.